


Project Category

UI UX/Web Development

The Story

iAuro had been into providing software solutions since 2019. Their strong presence among the clients had earned them enough goodwill.

Soon, iAuro was about to turn into a 100 crore company. For that, they needed a complete revamp of the website making it more professional and user-friendly.
This is where our super team of ‘Bees’ buzzed in to give iAuro a new and fresh look.

The Product

Revamping of iAuro was started by designing crisp wireframes to begin with. Our team of talented UI/UX designers, put their best minds and creativity at work to build a design for the website that is not just simpler but also user friendly.

Initially, the website had a lot of clumsy and crowded sections which were complicated to understand. We made this easier by designing crisp UI/UX which made the entire flow understandable. Also, the majority of the tabs on the website that were cluttered were bifurcated properly to simplify the design and user experience.

To add to that, a complete new color tone was chosen that perfectly suited the requirements of the business. The new refreshing color scheme along with the crisp UI/UX turned the website into almost a new one. A new section by the name ‘IO Labs’ was added and integrated in the website. One of the most prime and striking platform ‘GESSA’ was linked into the website swiftly. Now, this ‘GESSA’ is too accessible at one click.

Tech Stack