Unlocking Financial Freedom


Shubhankar Patil

Angular Developer

Financial freedom is the state of having enough savings and investments to live your desired lifestyle without relying on a paycheck. Here’s a roadmap to achieve it

Define Your Reason

Understand what is financial freedom according to you. It can be anything like early retirement, travelling the world or simply living debt-free for entire life.

Create a Budget

Understand where you spend your money
​Allocate money: Follow the 50-30-20 rule where 50% goes for your day-to-day needs, 30% for your desires and 20% for saving & investments

Manage Your Debts

Explore debt repayment strategies like the debt avalanche & debt snowball.​ Focus on paying off high-interest debt first.

Create an emergency fund

Aim for three-6 months of spending: This financial savings account will shield you from sudden monetary shocks.​ Make sure that you can withdraw your emergency savings easily whenever needed.

Invest Consistently

The power of compound interest works in your favor if you invest early as possible.​ Also while investing make sure that you investing money across different asset classes like stocks, real estate, bonds, gold, etc.

Live Below Your Means

Avoid lifestyle inflation by resisting increase in your spending as your income grows.​ Focus on experiences that bring lasting values over possessions

Live Below Your Means

Avoid lifestyle inflation by resisting increase in your spending as your income grows.​ Focus on experiences that bring lasting values over possessions

Increase Your Income

Find other ways to earn extra income, such as freelancing or renting out assets.​ ​

Learn Finance

Train yourself by reading books, attending webinars about personal finance.​ Stay updated about market trends & financial knowledge.

Safeguard Your Assets

Insurance is essential for your health, auto, home, and life to protect your financial future.​ Financial freedom is a journey, not the destination. These steps will build solid foundation for your financial future.
Financial freedom is not a overnight journey. You have to study finance, follow financial rules and stay disciplined. The path ahead maybe difficult, but the reward will be worth it. Good luck on your journey to Unlock Financial Freedom!